Association members and friends,
Please read the heart rending story from retired Marine Matt Blackledge:

Family and friends:

Many have asked via phone and e-mail how you can help us deal with this
family tragedy.  We have also promised you an update on the children.  The
best way you can help is to assist us in caring for the children who lost
their mothers.

As many of you already know, our daughters, Jayme Lowenberg (28) and
Michelle Gonzalez (25), died as a result of a fast moving fire in Jayme's
home in Jamesburg, New Jersey in the early hours of July 3rd. They gave up
their lives saving their three children Alyssa Gonzalez (2), Adam Gonzalez
(10 mos.) and Derek Lowenberg (10 mos.).

The fire occurred shortly after midnight on 3 Jul.  Due to the fast-moving
nature of the fire, Jayme and Michelle could not get from the second floor
to the exits with the children and had to retreat to the attic.  Jayme
lowered Derek to one of the first individuals on the scene from an attic
window; she then fell from the window and died at the scene.  No one knew
Michelle and the other children were in the house.  After the fire was
extinguished, the firefighters discovered them in the house on the stairs to
the attic.  Michelle shielded both her children from the flames by tucking
them under her.  She never regained consciousness and did not survive her
injuries; she died on 7 Jul.  Both sisters were buried together at Franklin
Memorial Park in North Brunswick, New Jersey on 9 Jul.

All 3 children suffered varying degrees of smoke inhalation and burns.  They
were stabilized at a local hospital on 3 Jul are were transported and
admitted to Saint Barnabas Memorial Hospital in Livingston, New Jersey on 4
Jul.  All were placed on ventilators (intubated and sedated) for several
days due to inhalation of hot smoke from the fire.

Derek:  Admitted to Pediatric ICU. Smoke inhalation and 2d degree burns to
his neck.  He was discharged on 13 Jul.
Adam:  Admitted to Pediatric ICU.  Smoke inhalation but no burns.  He was
discharged on 14 Jul.
Alyssa: Admitted to Burn ICU via air medevac due to burns.  Smoke
inhalation, minor burns to right hand, second degree burns to her left ear,
second and third degree burns to her left hand and arm.  She is scheduled
for skin graft surgery on 19 Jul to repair 3d degree burns to a significant
portion of her left forearm, elbow and upper arm.  She is expected to remain
at St. Barnabas until sometime the week of 26 Jul.

Follow up care:

Burns are not a significant issue for the boys but both will require follow
up care by pediatricians for some time for any respiratory issues and any
developmental issues that may result from smoke inhalation.

Although Alyssa appears to have suffered less effects from smoke inhalation,
she will require follow up outpatient and home care in coordination with a
burn center in Northern Virginia (To Be Determined) over the next several
months for issues related to her burns, including blood clot concerns.

We have set up a fund in the children's name at USAA Bank to help with
immediate expenses as well as their education.  The following information is
provided for those who wish to contribute:

Make checks payable to "The Gonzalez and Lowenberg Children Fund"

Mail checks to:
The Gonzalez and Lowenberg Children Fund c/o Rosie Rose
17861 Meadow Drive
Bridgeville, DE 19933

This is a news article about the fire:

Matt Blackledge
Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired)
" Not on my watch nor the watch that follows me for I will ensure they are
fully trained."
Contact Us:
1st Marine Division Association
403 North Freeman Street
Oceanside, CA. 92054

[email protected]
Tel. (760) 967-8561
FAX (760) 967-8567